Principal's Message
Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Welcome!
Our vision is as relevant now as it was over thirty years ago, when it was created for our college - the first co-educational Catholic integrated college in Dunedin:
Trinity Catholic College exists to promote excellence in learning and teaching in a climate of faith and pastoral care for the Catholic community of Dunedin.
If we remain true to our vision, we are producing strong young people with a true sense of their identity, a strong faith-based moral compass, and a high-quality academic foundation that will not only provide them with choice and pathways in life but will positively influence the communities they become part of. Our vision continues to guide all facets of college life.
Our educational heritage is important to us, and we value the faith that has influenced and shaped Trinity Catholic College and previous Catholic secondary schools since 1874, when the first Catholic school in Dunedin was built on our site. The contribution made to our college by these schools, and the charisms we retain from the Dominican Order, the Mercy Order and the Edmund Rice Network, are still present in our college’s gospel values of Respect, Service, Justice and Truth.
Our diverse, co-educational environment is our strength and every student in Years 7-13 is valued as an individual for their unique gifts and talents. At Trinity Catholic College, young people aim high and achieve personal excellence while being supported and encouraged to do so. ‘Being the best version of ourselves’ is a commonly used phrase at Trinity. The friendships your son or daughter creates with other young people of Trinity Catholic College will last well beyond their school years and, when they leave our college, they are well prepared to thrive in a diverse, co-educational world.
I look forward to welcoming you into our special place so that you can experience the warmth of the relationships, the manaakitanga and whanaungatanga, that are the foundation of our high-achieving college.
Manaaki te Atua, ngā mihi nui,
Mrs Kate Nicholson