Voluntary Contribution 2025

Trinity Catholic College has an Equity Index that does not qualify for the Donation Scheme funded by the Government. Therefore, to supplement the per student funding that we receive from the Government, the College asks parents for a Voluntary Contribution to help provide extra resources which are not fully covered by government grants. The contribution is a voluntary donation. Upon payment, the school will issue a receipt and the donation can be claimed annually against income tax for a one-third refund. 

The 2025 Voluntary Contribution levels are as follows:

Years 7 & 8 - $130.00 per annum, Years 9 to 13 - $180.00 per annum

Families with more than 1 child at the College pay the full amount for the oldest child and 50% for each subsequent child.

If you are in a position to give more than the annual stated voluntary contribution which amounts to approximately $3.50 per week for year 7&8 children and $4.70 per week for year 9-13 students, we would be very appreciative of your generosity, and this, too, will be receipted for you.