

Level 1 – 3 Depending on the chosen course

Entry Requirement

Students must have proven independent study skills and a successful learning record. They must adopt the values of personal responsibility and self-directed learning. Students must be competent at managing their own time. Students must own or have regular access to a computer and be able to go online. All the work is done in an online digital format.

Course dependent – you must discuss with the following staff and get them to sign your option sheet when they have approved entry. 

Correspondence School coordinator –  Mrs Mortimer

Students wishing to select this course must get their Option Sheet signed by Mrs Mortimer, Correspondence School Co-ordinator


Course dependent, please discuss with Mrs Mortimer

Course Outline

These courses are designed to complement those offered in school. Courses available vary from year to year but may include Japanese, Media Studies L3, Equine studies, Spanish, Business Studies, Agriculture, Horticulture, Classics and many others. You will not be able to take a course that is already offered by the school, unless there are exceptional circumstances.


Course dependent

Where does it lead?

To further study in your chosen area of interest

Further Information

Mrs Mortimer- coordinator of Correspondence School