Level Three Accounting
NCEA Level 3 with Achievement Standards
Scholarship optional
Entry Requirement
At least 8 credits from L2 Accounting
Course Outline
A more in-depth look at the accounting process to cover accounting for different business structures such as partnerships, companies and manufacturing.
Students will use actual data from a New Zealand reporting entity to prepare a report for an external user.
AS 91405 - Demonstrate understanding of accounting for Partnerships 4 credits
AS 91409 - Demonstrate understanding of a job costing subsystem 4 credits
Optional Internal
AS 91407- Prepare a report that analyses and interprets a company’s financial report for external users 5 credits
AS 91408 - Demonstrate understanding of management accounting to make a decision 4 credits
AS 91406 - Demonstrate understanding of company financial statement preparation 5 credits
Where Does It Lead
Further study at Tertiary level in Commerce, Business Studies or Agribusiness
Stage One Accounting is a requirement for Bachelor of Commerce students studying at University of Otago.
Accounting plays a significant role in society, and forms the basis of many decisions made on a personal or professional level.