Level Two Geography
NCEA Level 2 with Achievement Standards
Entry Requirement
L1 Geography at least 12 credits.
The core subjects – English, Science, and Mathematics may be considered as indicators if a student hasn't taken Level 1 Geography.
$200 approximately for one 3 day field trip to Aoraki Mt Cook
Course Outline
The Geographic Issue - Otago University Scarfie Culture
Geographic Skills and Concepts -Mapping, Graphing, Geographic concepts
Urban Patterns - Murder in Chicago
Large Natural Environment - The South Island High Country
Geographic Research - Aoraki Mount Cook Zonation
AS 91244 - Conduct geographic research with guidance 5 credits
(Zonation at Aoraki Mt Cook)
AS 91245 - Explain aspects of a contemporary geographic issue 3 credits
(Scarfie Culture)
AS 91241 - Demonstrate geographic understanding of an urban pattern 3 credits
(Murder in Chicago)
AS 91240 - Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment
(South Island High Country) 4 credits
AS 91243 - Apply concepts and geographic skills to demonstrate an understanding of a given environment 4 credits
Optional Internal Standard
AS 91246 Explain aspects of a Geographic Topic at a Global Scale eg. Human
Trafficking or Mountain building processes 3 credits
Where Does It Lead
Further study at Universities or Polytechnics, adventure or Outdoor pursuits
Career opportunities in - Local Councils or Planning Departments, Central Government policy writing, Agriculture (Forestry, Mining, Farming), Conservation, Teaching, Geology, Climatology, Archaeology, Meteorology, Travel and Tourism, Hospitality, Adventure and Outdoor pursuits.
Further Information
Mr Waterworth