Level Three Hard Materials


NCEA Level 3 Technology Achievement Standards

Scholarship optional

Entry Requirement

         is highly recommended.

HOD approval requested where students can demonstrate appropriate prior experience


In the development of design solutions, students will be encouraged to manufacture products with a high quality take home value.  

Students will be charged for the materials used for their individual products according to the quantity and quality of materials they choose to use.

Course Outline

This course will involve students in developing their technological literacy for the designing and manufacture of products and prototypes to meet the needs of specific client-based Design Briefs.  Students are encouraged to develop skills and knowledge in the use of a range of materials and processes and to consider the social impacts and influences in their design solutions.  Materials may include wood, metal, plastics, glass and composites.

Student evidence for assessment will be presented in the form of a portfolio and examples of finished products.  A maximum of 20 credits may be achieved through Achievement Standards assessments.



AS 91068 - Undertake brief development to address an issue within a determined context - 4 credits

AS 91611 - Develop a prototype considering fitness for purpose in the broadest sense - 6 credits

AS 91620 - Implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant materials to make a specified product - 6 credits



Where Does It Lead

This course provides a foundation for further study in tertiary courses in technology or trade qualifications, eg. Design, Product design, Industrial design, Technological degrees, engineering and building trades.

Further Information

Mr Craig Earl