Principal's Message

By Steve Read | Posted: Monday February 11, 2019

Kia Ora

NCEA - Aiming for Excellence

Kavanagh College has always had a focus on students not just passing their NCEA, but passing it with Excellence. I am very pleased to say that last year’s results prove this to be the case with our Excellence passes continuing to be significantly above the National Average. Please refer to graph 1 at the bottom of this article.

Also congratulations to Tobias Devereux and Aubrey Li for gaining Scholarships in Calculus and Physics respectively.

Kavanagh teachers were joined by the teachers in all our Catholic Primary schools on Monday afternoon to hear the world famous Ian Taylor from Animation Research Ltd talk. This was the first of our Kahui Ako combined schools meetings for 2019 and Ian’s message was simple – schools number one focus should be on teaching students how to think. He also reinforced the concept that there are usually multiple ways to solve a problem. This was very well received by the audience.

I would like to remind parents of students in Years 10 -13 about the upcoming Tutor Teacher – Parent Mentoring meetings on Tuesday the 26th February. Please book via the link at the bottom right of our website and use the code 8DFXJABR.

We are hoping for fine weather on Monday for the College Athletics Day at the Caledonian ground. Please remember to send students along with hats and sunscreen. It would be good to see parents there to support students if they are able.

Best Wishes
Steve Read
Acting Principal