Do you worry about the time your child spends gaming?
By Rachel Mortimer | Posted: Wednesday March 30, 2022
Our cyber safety hub provided by Linewize has an article worth reading if you have noticed your child seems to game 'a lot.'
During periods of enforced online learning, it is certainly easier for our young people to get distracted, claim they are doing their schoolwork and instead be gaming. For some, social interactions can be their main motivation and it may not be an addiction, but a temporary escape from 'lockdown'.
This article from our hub has a number of sections accessed from the first page and it discusses the risks, what you can do as caregivers and signs to look for. It is written by experts in the field and is a useful resource for you.
As always, we are happy to work with you to help our youth navigate their way in the digital space with responsible behaviours. Their devices are always with them and we can partner up to help them find a way to use them appropriately.