Upcoming Teacher-Only Days
By Steve Read | Posted: Wednesday September 18, 2024
Please note that there are scheduled Teacher-only days on Monday 21st October & Monday 11th November. Please read below for specific details around these days.
Kāhui Ako – Teacher-only day
Monday 21 October, school will be closed for Year 7 – 10 for a Teachers’ Only Day with our Kāhui Ako (Catholic community of schools in Dunedin). Again, this is an example of unity and the aim to create something bigger through not just our faith connection but also through the power of sharing resources and knowledge. We welcome our Professional Learning mentors from Auckland to share the day with us, supporting us to continue our work on creating best practice in our classrooms.
Please note that school will continue as usual for our students in Years 11 -13 who will continue to work with their teachers preparing for the upcoming NCEA exams.
Ministry of Education & PPTA NCEA Teacher Accord Day – School Closed
Monday 11 November: School Closed
School is closed for all year levels on this day for a Teacher Only Day. These teacher-only days provide schools and kura with dedicated time to understand, prepare and engage with changes across The New Zealand Curriculum refresh, the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, and shifts to strengthen NCEA.
Please note that the NZQA examinations will continue as normal.