Te Akomanga Mau Rākau
By Manaia Barns | Posted: Wednesday November 17, 2021
Last Friday, we had the privilege of having Poutama Crossman-Nixon tutor the Year 10 Māori Class for an introductory lesson in Mau Rākau (a Māori discipline of martial arts).
The class was first introduced to the philosophies and ideas that are the core of the discipline. We then learnt about the connections between many of the positions in mau rākau, and that they are inspired by what Māori observed in their environment, such as birds and lizards.
Afterwards, we went outside Pompallier Block to learn some of the beginner stances of Mau Rākau. The students were able to learn a lot about the kaupapa and realized the amount of discipline required for this art. Tēnā koe e Poutama e whakaako nei i tēnei kaupapa i tērā wiki, he kaiārahi mīharo koe he pai te tūtaki i a koe. Nau mai, hoki mai.
Nā Manaia Barns/ By Manaia Barns