From the Principal's Office
By Michael Campbell | Posted: Sunday March 18, 2018
There is much to report on and be thankful for indeed over the last seven days.
Year 12 Retreats - the third of three two-day retreats concluded last Friday and feedback from the students and staff has been overwhelmingly positive. These are an integral part of our young people's journey through Kavanagh and they remain a highly valued and valuable exercise. It is impossible to overstate the effort and expertise offered by our DRS Dr Lanner and her band of facilitators - Mrs Mortimer, Mrs Kendrick, Fr Sani, Ms Bresanello and the redoubtable Messrs Boyle and O'Callaghan. No better team.
Relay for Life - under Tim O'Farrell's yeoman organisation and Ms Bresanello's stewardship, the Year 13 students once again showed their mettle with an excellent contribution to the Cancer Society's Relay for Life. A goodly number of the students did the entire stretch and they were a great credit to themselves, their families and the College. Given the recent loss of Lyn Osten, this was a most poignant demonstration of character. Nice work.
Reconciliation and Holy Week - all students in the College are receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation this week. Dr Lanner has organised this beautifully and with Fr Sani doing the honours they have been reverent and respectful occasions in the Cathedral. Of course, this is in preparation for Holy Week which starts with Palm Sunday. We will have Easter liturgies next Thursday.
Interviews - I commend these to all parents as a critical part of your child's achievement and engagement with school. Accordingly, all classes will finish at 2.00 pm next Tuesday and the following Thursday. Booking details are within this newsletter.