Sports Subs
By Anna Louw-Young | Posted: Wednesday February 14, 2024
Summer Sports Subs have now been added to school accounts.
Subs are as follows:
Cricket: ($40 for half season)
Futsal: $55.00 (yr9-13), $45.00 (yr7-8)
Handball: $25.00
Summer Hockey: $30.00
Tennis: $40.00 (yr9-13), $37.00 (yr7-8)
Touch: $15.00 (yr9-13), $25.00 (Yr7-8)
Volleyball: $45.00 (yr9-13), $30.00 (yr7-8)
Waterpolo: $45.00 (yr9-13), $30.00 (yr7-8)
If you have not done so already, please ensure you pay these subs promptly, as the school is required to pay the corresponding Sports body.
If your account is in credit, these charges will automatically be deducted.
Please contact the Bursar if there are any issues around payment of Sports Subs.