Tangible, Orgulous and Gallimaufry are Three of the One Hundred Spelling Bee Words for 2017
By Maggie McGarry | Posted: Sunday June 25, 2017
Mitchell Stewart, Tobias Devereux, Riley Mortimer and Rosa Latton have been practising for three months for the 2017 New Zealand Spelling Bee.
In Week Eight, Term Two, four studious students took on the challenge of the 2017 New Zealand Spelling Bee. Students were given 100 words to practise in March, and on the day of the test, the students were challenged with 50 words from the practice list and 50 new words. Students' lists have been sent to the organisers and we now eagerly wait to find if members of Kavanagh College made the top 200 semi-finalists.
Semi-finalist will go on to compete for the top 18 finalists position for the 2017 New Zealand Spelling Bee Final in Wellington.
The winner of the National competition gains the title of 2017 Champion Speller and $5000 for the advancement of their academic studies.
The 2017 New Zealand Spelling Bee list is attached below - Can you compete with Kavanagh's top spellers?