Grzegorz Twardowski's Marine Studies programme
By Sarah Henderson | Posted: Thursday October 29, 2020
Greg enjoyed learning more about Common Shore Crabs during a wonderful Science experience provided by the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre in Dunedin.
Grzegorz Twardowksi in 8HEN did a Marine Biology studies programme at the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre in Dunedin during term 3, where he studied crabs, made friends and had a lot of fun. He studied the Common Shore Crab (Hemigrapsus sexdentatus) in the Portobello Marine Lab (PML) . He looked at how they behave and at their population. He learned a lot of things like how to identify different species of crabs and what is the formula to check how big a population of a species is. He and his teammates made a slide presentation that he brought back to school and presented to his class, 8HEN.
“It was a lot of fun, sure the project didn’t work out how we wanted it to but we learned a lot and not just from our research, we learned a lot from our mistakes”.