Principal's Message

By Kate Nicholson | Posted: Monday October 26, 2020

Kumusta, Kia ora tātou, Talofa lava, Greetings to you all

It was a privilege and an honour to attend a lunch yesterday and speak to the Rotary Club of Dunedin South with three of our head students to accept a prizegiving cup in memory of my predecessor and special colleague, Mr Tracy O’Brien. The cup will be presented for service – one of our core values – and epitomises Tracy’s service, support, and involvement in so many areas of New Zealand education. It was very affirming when the question was asked ‘what service is Kavanagh College involved in’ that our three head students who accompanied me, stood up and spoke at length and with considerable passion about the service they have been involved in while at school. Much of this service happens quietly, humbly and generously and that is what we are about – Jesus Christ never looked for front-page photos in the newspaper!

Our changes in structure and curriculum delivery is taking shape for 2021. Option information will be sent out to all year 7&8 parents in a few days. This will look somewhat different to past years because we are opening up more choice in this area. There will also be leadership training coming up for year 8 students in preparation to lead the year 7&8 students in 2021. It was great to have some of our current year 9s serve and support the Sports Awards last night. We often underestimate the leadership ability of our younger students and this is something we are looking to change.

Thank you to Shayne O’Connor (former New Zealand Cricketer) who spoke at our Sports Awards last night. It was good to move this award ceremony into an evening slot to allow more parents to be present and it was also an opportunity to recreate this as a more formal occasion to honour those students who have worked so hard representing Kavanagh College over many years.

All Saints and All Souls

This week we celebrate two significant days in the Church’s Liturgical Year. The Feast of All Saints is celebrated on 1st November to honour all the saints known and unknown. This is followed on the 2nd November by the Feast of All Souls. On this special day in the Liturgical Year we pray for those who have died, that they ‘may rest in peace’. Perhaps you might like to visit your Parish church with your family members, light a candle and spend some time in prayer. Or take time out at home and have a special prayer time to remember those in your family who have died.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Nāku iti noa, nā