'Toss the Boss': A message of thanks from Barb Long

By Administration | Posted: Wednesday May 22, 2024

Our wonderful Trinity College School Board Presiding Member Barb Long, achieved an amazing feat recently and in doing so raised some serious funds for Southern Youth Development (SYD).

What started as "yeah this sounds like a good idea" turned into something so much bigger! Interviews with Callum and P on the Hits Breakfast Show, an article and video in the ODT, and setting a new event record for the boss who raised the most funds.

It wasn’t like abseiling that I remember from school camp 10 years ago, it was more like free falling from a great height (and 35m is certainly a great height!).

I was only able to do it as I know the mahi that SYD does makes a real difference for our rangatahi, and your donation has greatly assisted both with the work that they do and my commitment to get over the edge – thank you so much.

Barb's incredible efforts raised an impressive $6500.00! A new world record and something to celebrate! 

To read more about Barb's amazing achievement, click on the link below;


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