NZQA Update
By Jill Armstrong | Posted: Tuesday February 8, 2022
There is an opportunity for students to return their scripts for either a Review or Reconsideration. The last date for NZQA for you to submit your online application is: for NCEA: Friday, 25 February 2022 and for Scholarship: Friday, 4 March 2022
NCEA Review – all sections of the booklet or portfolio are checked to ensure they have been marked and results correctly recorded and transferred. A review does not involve re-marking.
NCEA Reconsideration: If you believe your answer booklet has not been marked correctly, you can apply for a reconsideration. A reconsideration involves re-marking all answers in the answer booklet using the original assessment schedule.
Please refer to the attached information from NZQA.
Please contact me if you have any questions or queries about NZQA matters.
Kind regards, Jill Armstrong