Principal's Message
By Kate Nicholson | Posted: Monday March 15, 2021
Kia ora tātou, Talofa lava
This week, while our nation sadly remembered the Mosque attacks of 15th March 2019, the Kavanagh College community has its own sad memory of that same week two years ago. Tomorrow, it will be the two-year anniversary of the sudden and unexpected death of Kavanagh’s principal, Mr Tracy O’Brien. I feel that one event will continue to be a reminder of the other in the memories of those who were part of our college, for many years to come. Tracy continues to be talked about fondly within our staffroom and throughout our parent community. Having known Tracy as a close principal colleague, I feel privileged to share in those memories with staff while now walking the same corridors that he did. We continue to keep Tracy’s wife, Vicki, and his children Nathan and Caitlin in our prayers.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
With anniversary weekend upon us, and Easter rapidly approaching, a number of short school weeks means the rest of this term will go by very quickly. Make sure you have booked your tickets to the musical ‘Seussical’ to be held in the last week of the term, because this is sure to be yet another stunning production by our talented staff and students.
Next Saturday, 27 March at 10.00am, the Dominican Order will celebrate their postponed mass in celebration of 150 years in the Dunedin diocese. If you have connections with our Dominican Sisters, I am sure they would appreciate you joining this celebration at the Mosgiel parish church.
Please remember the upcoming report evenings for year 10-13 students and parents which includes a tutor teacher interview this year and the chance to discuss your child’s goal sheet that they should have shared with you. Internal assessments are well underway for senior students, and this report evening opportunity will be useful to check in on progress so far.
Enjoy the long weekend.