Roman Catholic Diocese of Dunedin Synod
By Father Michael Hishon | Posted: Wednesday December 1, 2021
The Pope has called for a ‘Synod’, an assembly of the people and officials of the local Church, to come together and to share experiences of their faith and talk about the life of the Church and school faith communities.
Following up on the announcement earlier this year from Pope Francis about an invitation to the entire Church to gather together and reflect on its life and mission, our local parishes and Diocese have arranged for you all, various ways to be able to participate.
In this Synod, this assembly, our Pope is inviting the entire Church to explore the fundamental question about how we are all journeying together as God’s people, a people consisting of every parish, school and religious institution across the world.
Our Pope is encouraging us all to gather and share our experiences of journeying together as God’s people in a forum where we can each have a chance to speak, and each listen to what is being shared, and to then summarise our discussions into a statement to be delivered for collation and attention for the churches planning for the future.
The schedule of dates are:
7th December - 7pm - at St Peter Chanel School.
11th December - 10am to 2pm - at Burns Lodge, Church Street Mosgiel, for the Diocesan wide gathering.
There will be other gatherings around the city as well.
Some questions to help us reflect before gathering include…
How is this journeying together as a local faith community of Church and school and wider community happening today?
What steps does the Holy Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our journeying together.?
I am excited for us all to be able to have the opportunity to share our faith and what is of most importance for our local parish and school communities’ future, ‘journeying together.’
Blessings in Christ
Fr Michael Hishon