By Pauline Ireland-Kenny | Posted: Wednesday June 7, 2017
Every year at Kavanagh College we publish a yearbook/magazine, recording the history and achievements of our school year. Last year’s magazine ran to 152 pages with over 700 photographs. Our twenty-eighth magazine will again be a quality publication, with glossy pages set in laser print. The 2016 full colour version can be seen on the school website.
Students who attend our College come from the whole of the greater Dunedin area, from Port Chalmers to Mosgiel, so the magazine reaches a very wide circulation area. Students are always checking it out in the College Library, or online where it has permanent exposure. We exchange with other schools and copies are lodged with the Dunedin Public Library, the Hocken Library and the Government archives in Wellington.
Such a publication is a major financial undertaking, so to enable students to purchase a Magazine at a reasonable price, we offer the opportunity to sponsor a page. Advertisements can be 18x3cm or 18X4 cm strips, quarter pages, half pages or whole pages. You can supply your own advertisement or have one laid out for you. Please contact Mrs Ireland-Kenny through the School Office for details. Copy closes on Friday 1 September.