Adaptive Sports Football Tournament
By Skye Haig | Posted: Wednesday August 23, 2023
On Wednesday the 23rd of July, the Adaptive Sports Crew represented Trinity Catholic College in the Otago Sports Special Olympics Football Tournament.
Jade Boyd, Krystal Lee Boyd, Lily McCabe and Monty Robertson showed terrific sportsmanship and skill in a mixed team with two friends from Otago Girls High School.
Trinity Titans was the team name and the team was just that, strong; driven; and fighting to the end. The dedication to the game gave them a second place position in the Division 2 competition.
There were many stand out moments of the day with Lily standing strong in the goals; Krystal out in force with superior defense skills; Monty was a perfect teammate always first to congratulate the opposing team; and Jade was a super striker who achieved a mammoth 12 goals for our team over the three games.
It was a great day by all and it was a pleasure for myself and Nicole Lee (Learning Assistant) to assist. All four students represented Trinity through great respect towards each other and the Adaptive Sports Community. Well done team!