Sports Subs
By Anna Louw-Young | Posted: Monday November 8, 2021
Summer Sports Subs have now been added to your Edge account
If you have already paid these, thank you.
Costs are as follows:
Futsal: Year 11-13 - $30.00
Futsal: Year 7-10 - $55.00
Handball: Year 9-13 - $25.00
Rippa Rugby: Year 7-8 - $10.00
Tennis: Year 9-13 - $35.00
Touch: Year 7-13 - $20.00
Volleyball: Year 7-8 - $15.00
Volleyball: Year 9-13 - $45.00
Waterpolo: Year 7-13 - $45.00
Can you please contact the Bursar's office if there are any concerns regarding the payment of these subs, or if you have any queries regarding charges to your account.
Otherwise, please make payment asap.