Year 13's go Bush
By Kerron Thomson | Posted: Wednesday March 21, 2018
The Year 13 Biology group attended a three day fieldtrip to the Orokonui Ecosanctuary a week ago to support the data collection phase of their Independent Investigation.
Students were met and welcomed onto the site and were lucky to receive a short tour with the opportunity to view some of the sanctuary’s precious residents. Students were then tasked to make some choices on their own plant investigation and headed out into the field to gain the necessary data.
This was the first time using Orokonui for this standard, and while challenging at times, did provide great opportunities to collect data in a stunning and accessible place. Previous years’ work has taken up to a term to collect, so there were certainly gains made with the time taken to complete this standard.
While there were long hours of work, there were downtimes too with a night walk and games. Josh Chisholm looked stunning dressed as a kiwi!