Special Character Leaders
By Maliza and Pippa | Posted: Thursday June 16, 2022
This week is NZ Schools Pride Week 2022
Here at Kavanagh College our Diversity Group has set up some activities and events based in the school library. Our focus this week is on 'being inclusive'. Our role as a Catholic community is to create 'life-giving ground' for all people to stand. We are asked by Pope Francis to seek out all people who are different from us and make genuine connections.We are all unique, therefore we are all different. 'The first step is an encounter and an embrace' (Pope Francis).
Today(June 15) we celebrate the feast day of Saint Germaine Cousin. St Germaine was born with physical disabilities and suffered a life of intolerance, neglect and abuse. However, she never turned away from God and no matter how she was treated she always chose to LOVE. WOW!
We pray today that we always choose to LOVE. Love for ALL those we encounter. LOVE for all people who are different from us.
Maliza Alahakoon and Pippa Sherriff