The Parable of the Lost Sheep: A reflection by Enere McLaren-Taana

By Administration | Posted: Thursday June 6, 2024

On Friday 18th of May, Enere was asked this question in Mr Sutherland’s NCEA Level 2 Religious Studies class, 'Choose a Parable of Jesus from Luke’s Gospel and describe how this speaks to you'?

Enere's response was as follows;

The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)

Jesus tells us the parable of the lost sheep to show us that we are all able to be with God in his Kingdom. Even people who have sinned, made mistakes and bad choices which I think is all of us. I know that I have made mistakes and I also know that God forgives me and always calls me to be better everyday. God wants us to make the right choices but he knows we may stray from the right path.

An example here is the shepherd (God) who has 100 sheep but 1 goes missing. The shepherd knew that his 99 sheep were safe and would be all good and he put all of his effort into supporting the one who was in trouble or walked away from the others. The shepherd searched high and low for the lost sheep.

This tells us that no matter who you are, who you might have been and all of the mistakes you have made, God loves us all and will do anything to bring us back to him. Every time we help someone or do something for another person we are coming closer to God and Heaven.

Enere McLaren-Taana - Friday 18th of May 2024

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