Welcome to the Library
By Mel Van de Klundert | Posted: Thursday February 8, 2018
The library is a much loved part of the school, new parents to our school community might like to know a few things about this busy space.
The library is open from 8:30 - 4:00 every day. It is a great place to come after school if you have to wait to be picked up, or have an activity in town that starts a bit later than 3:00. Mrs King is here and would love to see you.
All students are welcome to come to the library during break and lunch, appropriate inside behaviour is expected and always eat your lunch before you come!
So far we have had all the year seven classes at the library for a least one visit, they have loved the bean bags and the book collection and there has been lots of books checked out! The students have their books for two weeks and can renew them for another two weeks. We send out a reminder email home once the book has been overdue for over a month. We also email reminders to the students and tutor teachers. If the book is more than a term overdue we send an invoice home, this is waived once the book is returned. We always prefer the books to come back!
If you have any questions please email Mel or Colette : library@kavanagh.school.nz