NZQA Exam Admission Slips, Exam Information and Organisation

By Mike Waterworth | Posted: Wednesday October 25, 2017

NZQA exams start on Thursday 9 November and run until Friday 1 December.

1. Exam Admission Slips:

These are being distributed to students at school. Students must have their Exam Admission Slip with them to enter an exam. If a student loses their Admission Slip they can print a new copy from their NZQA login and get it signed by Mr Waterworth. If they can’t do this they will need to see Mr Waterworth in person.

Year 12 & 13 students will be given their Admission Slip by their tutor teacher.

Year 11 students have a meeting on Monday 30 October at tutor time in the Auditorium to get their Admission Slips.

Year 9 & 10 students who are sitting NZQA exams will be given their Admission Slips by Mr Waterworth.

2. Candidate Information Sheet:

All students will also be given a copy of the Candidate Information Sheet. This is information, rules and instructions from NZQA. Students should read through this information.

A copy is attached.

3. Exam Reporting Times:

Students should arrive at school 30 minutes prior to their exam starting time – 9:00am for a morning exam or 1:30pm for an afternoon exam.

Students need to check the noticeboard outside the Pompallier Block to find out what room they are in and must be waiting outside the correct room by 9:15am (morning exam) or 1:45pm (afternoon exam).

Students who have Special Assessment Conditions need to meet outside the door of P11 (Mrs Meinungs classroom in Pompallier Block) by 9:10am (morning exam) or 1:40pm (afternoon exam).

If students arrive more than 30 minutes after the official start time they cannot sit the exam.

4. Uniform: Students are allowed to wear mufti.

5. Food and Drink: Food and drink are allowed with the following restrictions - clear plastic drink bottles only with no stickers.  Food must be packed in a clear plastic snap lock bag.  No hot drinks or hot food.  Food must be able to be eaten silently.  Lollies etc must be unwrapped before entering the exam room.

Any questions etc please make contact with Mr Waterworth –
