Say hello to our next new international students!
By Nicki Ridden-Angus | Posted: Wednesday April 26, 2023
This week we welcomed another eight students to Trinity, from Japan and Thailand, covering Year 7 to Year 12 and there are still two more to arrive later in the term.
Our new long term students are Tian in 7OCS, and Kanon and Tonkla joining Year 11; all are happy to complete their studies here in NZ and to make new friends.
Chitralada School (Thailand) has five students studying with us for a term, as part of a larger group of students who are at OGHS, OBHS and KVC. This group project has been a long time coming, so all the schools are happy to finally welcome students to Dunedin. Dungfun and Rinda are in Year 10, Kaohom, Preme and Praewa have joined Year 12.
Please make them feel at home!