Thanks to our ex-alumni coming in to speak about the transition to university

By Rachel Mortimer | Posted: Wednesday July 3, 2024

A panel was held this week where ex-students came in and spoke about what they experienced when they started university.

We had a very articulate group of ex-students speaking with us from all fields of study; medicine, law, veterinary science, anthropology, engineering, finance, sport and exercise science and psychology. They shared the highs and lows of starting tertiary study, including whether they loved their course or were changing their major, how they coped with the changing demands of studying and living at home vs a hall of residence.

They were very open about the struggles as well as the good experiences and our Year 11-13 students will have had a good insight to help them consider their futures. Next term, we will have a group of ex students come in and talk about not going onto tertiary study at first and their different jobs, careers or later study. We are still looking for a couple more participants for this one so please contact

A huge thank you to Enrique, Olive, Sarah, Nick, Jemma, Lachie, Cole, and Eva for giving up your time.