Waste Minimisation at Trinity!
By Nina O'Callaghan | Posted: Wednesday May 8, 2024
Let's work together as a community and reduce waste for our environment!
Waste Minimisation at Trinity
The envirogroup is trying to reduce waste at school. To do this there have been a couple of changes to the recycling.
1. ONLY plastic bottles with no lids are now accepted in the yellow bins
2. Aluminium cans will be recycled into house-coloured wheelie bins and sold for scrap metal
3. Paper and cardboard is recyclable in classrooms
4. Selected classrooms have a compost bin for food scraps
The house that recycles the most aluminium cans, will win the savings made through recycling, from the term.
How you can help from home:
1. Discuss with your child what can be recycled at home and the differences between home and school.
2. Try and reduce waste in your child's lunchbox so there is less rubbish overall.
Thank you from the Envirogroup