Principal's Message
By Kate Nicholson | Posted: Tuesday July 27, 2021
Kia ora tātou, Talofa lava
Our personal legacy is something I am sure we all think about from time to time. How have I impacted the world around me? Once I have left, what will people remember most about me? Of course, much thought needs to go into our collective human legacy at present – what sort of world are we leaving for the next generation? Our senior students, particularly our year 13s, are generally very conscious of the legacy they want to leave Kavanagh College, both from an individual and a group perspective. Their commitment to the younger students has been wonderful again this year. Many of them were involved as leaders in the Edmund Rice Camp during the recent holiday break, and their desire to have an impact and leave Kavanagh College a better place through new initiatives, the work of the student council and in the volunteering they do in so many aspects of school life, is very obvious on a daily basis. We are very blessed, and I have no doubt that next year’s year 13s will have that same desire. Of course, if we reflect the Gospel values and Jesus’ teachings in our daily actions, then we can be assured our legacy will be a positive one!
Throughout today, we have educational sessions for all students so they can reflect on their online legacy. One’s digital footprint and online presence is now also a big part of one’s character. As I have said before, we need our young people to be taking their values into the online world with them. I encourage you to attend tonight’s session being run by Linewize in our Auditorium. As parents, it is very important that we are aware of the worries, dangers, and influences on values systems that our children are confronted with when they are living part of their everyday in the online world. Attending this session after your children have experienced similar conversations today will make for rich conversations at home.
Next Tuesday, our Year 7s will attend the Dominican Mass at Holy Name Parish to celebrate the legacy that the Dominican order created for Catholic education in Dunedin. The other Dominican primary schools in the Dunedin area will attend this with us. This is a good way to introduce our year 7s to one of the three charisms that Kavanagh holds dear. Another big celebration this term, and rapidly approaching, is Kavanagh Day which will be held on August 13th. This is always a time of big excitement for us as a college and gives us cause to reflect on those who have been influential in the ongoing success of our college.
And of course, our Head Girl, Erika Fairweather, can be well assured that her legacy is well and truly established after the exciting week we have all enjoyed watching her successes at the Tokyo Olympics. Needless to say, our young people in the school are becoming media experts as well because turning up to assembly with news cameras and microphones everywhere is starting to feel normal! Most of all, I have enjoyed the warmth and genuine care and concern everyone in our college community has had for Erika – celebrating in her successes, encouraging her from afar, and the recognition that giving one’s absolute best is worth striving for. In doing so, it is a grateful recognition of God’s gifts to us.
Please continue to spread the word about our Open Day next Sunday, 8th August. Encourage friends and relatives to come along to experience our Kavanagh College warmth.
Finally, I wish our Jazz Band all the very best as they aim to outshine and outplay the best Jazz Bands in Dunedin during the competition tomorrow.
Ka kite anō au i a koutou