Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival
By Tor Devereux | Posted: Thursday April 7, 2022
This week, 17 senior students presented the Shakespeare scenes they’ve been preparing all term - firstly to whānau and friends in the school auditorium on Tuesday evening and then to the judges at the Shakespeare Festival on Thursday morning.
Four different groups took part in the Shakespeare Festival this year. Ethan Bremner, Chloe Farr, Ethan O’Brien, Eva Clarke, Olivia Oram and Isobel McKewen performed a scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Phoebe Harris, Jemma Mortimer, Meila McCartney and Michael Louw-Young performed two scenes from Hamlet, Amalie Latton, Hayley Golden and Sam Kelly performed a scene from Anthony and Cleopatra and Ted Kerr-Bell and Troy Kubala performed a scene from Macbeth with musical support from Sam Kelekolio and Isaac Tili. Each piece was presented in a completely different way to highlight the students’ different strengths.
The students have spent a lot of time this term working on their performances - gaining an understanding of their play and their character, working with Shakespeare’s language and learning their lines, and discovering how to most effectively convey the meaning and emotion of their scene to their audience. In addition, this year the students have had to contend with people being away, hybrid learning and days when some year levels were at school while others were working at home. Congratulations to everyone for all their hard work, perseverance and wonderful performances.