Cellphone Policy
By Kate Nicholson | Posted: Wednesday March 27, 2024
From Wednesday, 3rd April, the Cellphone Policy came into place for cellphones and headphones/earbuds from 8.30 - 3.00pm. All students had information given to them last Friday about what this will mean and how to manage the rules during their school day.
I also spoke to them about the consequence of not following the policy. For your information as parents, the following consequences will be in place.
- If a phone or headphones/earbuds are seen (they are required to be kept turned off in bags), the phone will be confiscated and kept securely and named, in the office. The student can pick the item up from the Senior Leadership Team after 3pm at which time they will sign to say they have received it.
- 2nd confiscation, the same process will be followed.
- 3rd confiscation, the parent or caregiver will be required to have a meeting with a member of the SLT before the parent or caregiver picks the phone up at a suitable time after school.
In the case of any above confiscation, parents will be informed by email. Exemption cards will be given to students for those who meet the criteria for one. If you need to communicate with your child during the school day for any reason (eg if after school plans have changed), please email them using their school email address. If an urgent message is required to get to them, please phone the office and our student office assistant will take a message to them in class. Thank you for your support in this matter.