Launch! Girls Tech Event
By Jane de Graaf | Posted: Monday June 10, 2019
Rosa Garlick, Katie Wink, Hailey Xavier and Katrina Pelvin. On May the 23rd a large group of young female students took the day to travel to Balmacewen Intermediate. We took five teams from Year 7-11.
At Balmacewen the group participated in Launch! Girls Tech Event. This was the opportunity for young women to brainstorm creative ideas to solve real-world problems using technology. The day started with an introduction. We got to see ideas and solutions from last year and got given some issues to get our brains going then set off on our own to develop our ideas further.
Our group, in particular, chose the issue of climate change and getting people more involved and informed of what your everyday actions are doing to the environment. Our idea was to develop an app in which you took care of your own world. You log your daily actions into the app and based on how you live your life your world could thrive or start to burn.
We also had a guest speaker, a CEO from a prestigious tech company, who told us about how she got into tech, how important our ideas are and encouraged us to pursue a career in tech. After we all had created concept pieces of our ideas we regrouped at the end of the day to share our ideas with everyone. We heard a variety of ideas that helped a variety of world issues. Overall, everyone involved had an amazing time.
We would all like to thank everyone involved in the organisation process of the day as it wouldn’t have been possible without everyone who helped organise the day.