Otago Secondary School Futsal Tournament
By Anita Van den Beld | Posted: Sunday March 4, 2018
March 9th at the Edgar Centre, 9.00-4.30pm.
A reminder to all students participating in the Otago Secondary School Futsal Tournament that is being held at the Edgar Centre on Friday the 9th of March -
You should have submitted your permission form to me via email avandenbeld@kavanagh.school.nz with your parents/caregivers approval and pay your $20.00 to the Bursar by Thursday the 8th of March.
Please arrange transport to the Edgar Centre by 8.40am and then pick up at 4.30pm. The competition runs from 9.00am-4.30pm. You are to wear your Kavanagh p.e. top and navy shorts or you will not be allowed to take the court.
Students need to bring warm clothes to wear in between games, bring a packed lunch and a drink bottle as no one is allowed to leave the Edgar Centre during the day.
Miss Van den Beld and Mr MacKenzie will be present at the Edgar Centre the whole day.
If you have any questions please email me at avandenbeld@kavanagh.school.nz