Engage with Science

By Administration | Posted: Thursday July 25, 2024

On the last Friday of Term 2, fourteen year 10 and 11 students took part in the Engage with Science program at the University of Otago, which was a great experience.

We started the day at the lecture hall listening to some inspirational people from the University about the science courses that are offered at the University of Otago. We were divided into two groups with one group doing Pathology and Forensics and the other group doing Marine Science and Food Science. The first group looked at all sorts of organisms under microscopes. It was great to have a deeper look into the marine sciences and to see how much the ocean is teaming with life. Our second, and last, rotation was in the food science area, where we made bliss balls with different types of protein such as pea, whey and even crickets! We also got the opportunity to eat whole insects such as ants, crickets and meal worms!

The second group looked at organs that had been effected by various diseases and then looked at solving a crime using various forensic techniques. In between the two rotations, we enjoyed being catered by the UniCol College for a delicious lunch. Overall this was an awesome experience, doing immersive and hands-on experiments, and we encourage other students take up this opportunity if they ever get the chance!

Leah, Sophie and Alice

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