Huriawa Pā, Karitane trip

By Johnny Martin-Garcia | Posted: Wednesday March 16, 2022

One memory that will never leave me was the magnificent trip to Karitane

We were told that we would hear some unforgettable stories about the history of Huriawa Pā, from a master storyteller, Kane. We were told that we could arrive in mufti, which as you can imagine, bubbled quite an excitement. When we arrived, the first question that was asked of us was the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic that hooked us into a world of stories, one was a tale of sorrow, the epidemic of the measles, how they spread and killed many Māori and at Kaka Point only 8 people survived. The people that remained buried, the adults then the teenagers on top then the babies. It was a very sad day. 

As we were told these stories we walked and saw many views such as a great view of the harbour next to cliffs, a close view to rocks that came in a variety of shapes and sizes as water bubbled beneath our feet. Some of these rock formations represented ancestors that came of the first waka to the area. 

We learned many things and listened to many stories and it was very cool to listen to the stories of the early Māori and also some of my own ancestors.  

Johnny Garcia-Martin

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