Principal's Message
By Kate Nicholson | Posted: Monday May 3, 2021
Kia ora te whānau
Welcome back to Term Two. I do hope that everyone enjoyed some quieter time over the holidays and your children have returned rested and recharged. It is good to see everyone looking smart in their winter uniforms, however I would appreciate your support regarding our jewellery rules. There appears to be a growing number of nose studs and extra piercings and jewellery which are possibly the result of holiday purchases. Students are only permitted to wear one pair of simple earrings, a cross or taonga under their shirt and one ring is also permitted. No other jewellery or piercings are permitted at school and we will confiscate extra jewellery if students cannot follow these simple rules. There is plenty of time to wear extra jewellery when out of uniform.
Yesterday, we remembered Blessed Edmund Rice on his feast day, during our assembly prayers. Edmund Rice was founder of the Edmund Rice Network and founding order of our college. We also heard the message about courage that is needed when we strive to be the best version of ourselves. Therefore, it is a timely reminder as winter sport gets underway, that we continue to strive to be our best selves and attitude, responsibility, commitment and respect need to be at the top of students’ minds. Opponents, coaches and onlookers may not remember every result, goal or individual performance, but they do remember the culture and attitude of the team. When our teams are playing, I want our community to be proud of and impressed by their attitude, respectful language, team approach and commitment. Please encourage and expect this behaviour from your son or daughter as they begin their sports season. We have worked hard to ensure a quality sports uniform is available to all players. There won’t be any exception to this uniform and we expect our Kavanagh College teams to be looking smart and well turned out. Thank you for your support with this. If you have any concerns about uniform or its purchase, please get in touch with us at school. I try to get around as many sports as I can during the season so please make yourself known to me on the sidelines. It will be good to have a chat.
Thank you to our head students who represented Kavanagh College and laid a wreath at the Anzac Service and who, along with two of our kapahaka leaders, accompanied a few of us to Wellington on Monday to ‘handover’ Mrs Katrina Kerr-Bell to her new school. Having been through this myself not so long ago, I was pleased to be able to support Katrina and meet her new colleagues and students who were very welcoming and happy to have her as their new leader.
Please keep an eye on emails and the college calendar – it is another busy but exciting term ahead of us.
Ngā mihi nui