Pink Shirt Week 2024

By Ross Mackinnon | Posted: Thursday May 23, 2024

Trinity Catholic College was a hub of activity last week as we celebrated our Pink Shirt Week.

Throughout the week students participated in writing anonymous compliments to other students, colouring in and some chalk art. On Wednesday we had our cultural dress day, it was great to see so many students take part and hear the stories behind their cultural significance.

We finished the week with Pink Shirt Day, where students took part in our photo booth and jump jam activities during interval and lunch. While Sophie Golden and some of our Year 13 prefects handed out kind messages and stickers to students. If you are around the College, make sure to keep an eye out for our Pink Shirt Day wall showing some of the terrific involvement from our students.

Money collected has been donated to the Pink Shirt Foundation so that they can continue to support us with resources and advice in running similar events in the future.