MCAT Algebra

By Daniel Kelly | Posted: Monday September 3, 2018

This year, the MCAT will run on Period 4, Thursday, Week 9, on September 20th in M35 and M36.

This Level 1 Maths external examination is unique because it is sat in September, rather than November.  Students should bring a couple of pens. Calculators are not permitted.

Tutorials for MCAT

Sept 10, Week 8 Monday 3.00-4.00 pm in M35

Sept 11, Week 8 Tuesday 3.00-4.00 pm in M35

Sept 17, Week 9 Monday 3.00-4.00 pm in M35

Sept 19, Week 9 Wednesday 2.05-3.00 pm in M35

Any queries, please email Daniel Kelly: