Principal's Message
By Steve Read | Posted: Tuesday April 25, 2023
Kia ora te whānau
Welcome back to Term Two. I do hope that everyone enjoyed some quieter time over the holidays and your children have returned rested and recharged.
Thank you to our head students who represented Trinity Catholic College at the Anzac Service on Tuesday.
Next week will be the first-ever Trinity enviro week! Enviro-week is a week-long event to raise awareness and provide students the opportunity to make sustainable decisions. To help with this, our enviro group has worked hard to plan events scheduled throughout the week. We will also have a sustainable mufti-day on Thursday 4 May. Students are invited to show up to school wearing non-branded/no-label clothing or thrifted clothing from their closet.
It is good to see everyone looking smart in their winter uniforms, however I would appreciate your support regarding our jewellery rules. There appears to be a growing number of nose studs and extra piercings and jewellery which are possibly the result of holiday purchases. Students are only permitted to wear one pair of simple earrings, a cross or taonga under their shirt and one ring is also permitted. No other jewellery or piercings are permitted at school and we will confiscate extra jewellery if students cannot follow these simple rules. There is plenty of time to wear extra jewellery when out of uniform.
A heads up for proposed industrial action by the PPTA (Post Primary Teachers Association)
Please note that these actions may change depending on how the negotiations progress. I thought some advance notice might be useful. Rolling regional strikes are planned for week 2 with the Otago day currently scheduled for Tuesday 9 May. There is also a proposal for Year Level rostering home beginning week 2.
The rostering home plan is as follows
Week 2 Thursday 4 May - Year 11
Week 3 Tuesday 9 May - Year 12 and Thursday 11 May - Year 13
Week 4 Tuesday 16 May - Year 9 and Wednesday 17 May - Year 10
Week 5 Thursday 25 May - Year 11
Week 6 Tuesday 30 May - Year 13 Thursday 1 June - Year 12
Week 7 Tuesday 6 June - Year 10 and Thursday 8 June - Year 9
I will keep you informed if plans change.
Trinity Catholic College will be holding a Teacher Only Day on Monday May 8, where staff will be working on contextualised local curriculum, inclusion of Mana Ōrite mō te Mātauranga Māori, the Literacy & Numeracy co-requisites and NCEA change.
Please keep an eye on emails and the college calendar – it is another busy but exciting term ahead of us.
Ngā mihi nui
Steve Read
Acting Principal