NZQA Information

By Mike Waterworth | Posted: Wednesday May 23, 2018

Year 11 students have recently been issued with information from NZQA.

All Year 11-13 students were given a copy of 'Entering NCEA and NZ Scholarship. Information for students and their parents, whanau or caregivers 2018'. This includes information about the NCEA fees which will be collected by the school during the next few months. A copy of this document is attached.

All Year 11-13 students were issued with a paper copy of the 2018 Examination Timetable. It is important that any students who have an exam clash see Mr Waterworth in person as soon as possible. This might be students who are sitting exams at multiple levels or who are sitting one or more scholarship exams. A copy of the timetable is attached.

Year 11 students have also been issued with a 'Guide to NCEA' booklet from NZQA. This gives an excellent explanation and summary of the NCEA system.

NZQA will send NSN (National Student Numbers) to the school early in June. We will meet with Year 11 students to explain and distribute them before the end of Term 2. Students will then be able to create their own login for NZQA which they will be able to use to view their credits and do several important processes around external exams.
