NCEA Study Tips
By NCEA | Posted: Tuesday October 24, 2017
NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship examinations begin in a few weeks and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is encouraging parents to keep talking to their children about exam study and preparation.
There are simple steps parents can take to help. NCEA exams are an integral part of NCEA achievement and it is important that students are well prepared.
Parents play an important role in getting their children ready for exams. There are a number of standard study principles that parents can keep following to ensure their children are working hard to achieve their full potential.
Top 5 study tips for parents:
Know the exam timetable: NCEA exams are national exams so students do the same exam at the same time no matter where they live. Make sure you know what exams your children are sitting, and when, so that you can support them beforehand and talk to them afterwards about how the exam went.
Provide a suitable study environment: students need a quiet, organised and well lit space to study for NCEA exams.
Double check students’ preparation: make sure you and your child know how they are going to get to their exams and what the exam room rules are. Allow plenty of time to get to exams early and plan for what you might do if something unforeseen happens – eg, alternative transport plans in case of bus or train delays.
Balance study with free time: it is important that students remain in a positive frame of mind and keep relaxed. In addition to studying ensure your child is sleeping well, taking regular breaks, eating well, getting fresh air, and staying in touch with their peers.
Speak to teachers: your child’s teachers know what is happening at school and how your child is progressing. Ask for guidance when you need it - teachers know how NCEA works and understand it well.
Students can log on to the NZQA website to access information and resources. Parents and students can also view past examination papers, examination rules and study tips.