Hey everyone! Welcome back to Term 3.
By Cole and Jemma | Posted: Wednesday July 19, 2023
We really hope you’ve had a restful holiday, and now are all ready to give 100% for the term ahead.
Term 3 can be a very stressful time for many of us, with mock exams and end-of-topic tests looming, but nevertheless, there will be plenty of fun events throughout the term including camps, tournament week, years 7 and 8 social and more to keep things fun and exciting.\
During this time of Matariki, may we join in acknowledging those who have past, those people around us right now, and those to come. If terms 1 and 2 were anything to base our expectations on, we are so hyped to see what term 3 has in store for all of us!
God bless all of you, your families, and your communities as we begin this new term.
Cole Phillips and Jemma Mortimer