MCAT Algebra

By Daniel Kelly | Posted: Wednesday September 11, 2019

The MCAT Algebra test is a one-hour NZQA external exam that will run on Thursday, September 19. This is in the middle of the Kavanagh exams. Students need to bring their NSN (national student number) and a pen. No calculators or mobile phones are permitted. The exam rooms are M33 and M35. Please arrive at 9.00 am. The exam will start at 9.15 am.

The MCAT Algebra examination is important because the topic is so essential for future study in mathematics. The algebra skills are used in many subjects, too, especially Level 2 Physics. So it is wise for students to prepare as well so they have a solid foundation to build on.

There are many past papers (and answers) that students can access using the NZQA website (see "exam papers" and "assessment schedules"):

Remember to ring the school if there are any issues on Thursday morning. And if you have any questions, please contact Daniel Kelly (HOD Maths):