Message from the Bursar - School Accounts
By Anna Louw-Young | Posted: Monday January 29, 2024
Information on School Accounts
School Accounts
School Accounts can be accessed via Edge on the computer or using the Edge App on your Smart Phone. The instructions on how to download Edge are attached in this newsletter. This is a great tool for monitoring your child's absences, accessing their record of learning, viewing their daily timetable and making payments.
The school bank account number, if you wish to pay via internet banking, is: 06 0901 0107876 000. Please put what you are paying for and your child's last name in the reference. We are happy to accept regular part payments and encourage you to do this, or you may wish to make payments in advance. This money will go into credit on your child's Edge account, which you will be able to view and monitor. Receipts are automatically sent when payments are recorded onto Edge.
Over the counter payments are also accepted. We can accept credit card, paywave, cash or Eftpos.
Placing Items on Account
If you need to make a purchase of uniform items from the Uniform Group or Otago Sports Depot, and are struggling to pay upfront, you are able to charge these to your School Edge Account. You will need to come and visit Anna Louw-Young in the school office, who will give you a Purchase Order docket to take to either outlet. Once the School receives the invoice from the store, the amount will be charged to your school account. We do require that you set up an automatic payment (if you have not already done so) to ensure these debts are covered.