By Michael Campbell | Posted: Tuesday March 13, 2018
Kavanagh's core value of Service on full display last weekend
Last weekend dozens of Kavanagh students were assisting with two of the biggest events in town. On Friday night at the Forsyth Barr Stadium a hardy group assisted at the entry points and with the general flow of people. On Sunday morning we gathered at Memorial Park at 6.00am to help out with the smooth running of the biggest ever Weetbix Tryathlon held in Dunedin. Both groups also earned some modest income for their chosen activity - with students and groups from Antipodeans Abroad, Hockey, Girls Football, Y10 Maori and Edmund Rice all helping defray expenses.
The stadium is a particularly commendable way for senior students to offset some of their sports fees at school and give mum and dad a helping hand on the finance front.
Nice One all round.