Covid Update
By Staff | Posted: Monday November 6, 2023
Dear Parents and students
We are conscious of cases of covid at Trinity currently. For those of you who have kept children at home while they are unwell, thank you for respecting others in our community. We have students and family members of students who are immuno-compromised or undergoing surgeries or chemotherapy at present, so we are asking for your support to keep them safe.
In addition, our year 11-13 students have begun their NCEA exams. These are very important exams and developing covid at this time could be detrimental to their qualifications.
I realise that families have already had much stress and time away from work to look after sick children, but I do encourage you to take note of the current health advice as follows:
If you test positive for COVID-19, it is recommended you isolate for at least 5 days, even if you only have mild symptoms, starting at Day 0. This includes if you have had COVID-19 before.
Day 0 is the day your symptoms started or when you tested positive, whichever came first.
- Isolation means not going to work or school.
- Your Household Contacts do not need to isolate.
If you need to go out during your recommended isolation, we recommend you wear a face mask.
The following information is for students sitting NCEA exams regarding the evidence required for a derived grade if they become ill with covid.
Students / ākonga who choose to isolate for five days because they have COVID-19 and are unable to sit their examination(s) should apply for a derived grade. The Principal’s Nominee can complete the derived grade application form on behalf of the student / ākonga, and attest to the evidence provided to support the application.
Evidence should include a date stamped photo of the student with their positive RAT result, and the text from the Ministry of Health acknowledging the student’s COVID-19 result. Please forward this evidence in an email to Mike Waterworth, Principal's Nominee -
Please note: household contacts may not apply for a derived grade as they are no longer required to isolate.Students / ākonga can still sit their examination(s) if they test positive and choose not to isolate.
They should take precautions to prevent spreading COVID-19 to others.