National Student Number (NSN) Cards 

By Mike Waterworth | Posted: Sunday July 2, 2017

The National Student Number (NSN) cards have arrived for all students entered in NCEA this year. They are being distributed by tutor teachers this week. The NSN Cards have students name, addresses and NSN number on one side. 

If the address listed isn't correct students need to see Mr Waterworth to have it up-dated. The reverse side of the card has online registration details. Year 11 students (and any Year 12 or Year 13 students who haven't previously) need to follow these instructions to create their learner-login. This will enable them to view their results online and to request copies of their Record of Learning when they need it etc. All students should keep a record of their NSN number, their learner-login and their password in a secure place. 

Any questions etc please make contact with Mike Waterworth -