The Addams Family - Update

By Tor Devereux | Posted: Wednesday February 2, 2022

The move to the Red setting of the Covid Protection Framework together with the guidelines from the Ministry of Education about how schools need to operate under this setting mean that we now have to consider the implications of all this on Kavanagh’s 2022 musical The Addams Family both in terms of rehearsals and performances.

Although the musical isn’t scheduled to be staged until the end of Term 2, Ministry of Education guidelines currently do not allow singing to take place inside at school which means we cannot run singing rehearsals. Brass and woodwind instruments also cannot be played inside at this stage. Obviously this will have a significant impact on rehearsing a musical.

More information will be provided as soon as we’ve worked through everything and made a plan. If anyone has any questions about the musical in the meantime, please contact Tor Devereux (Production Manager) on